Disclaimer: The Net Price Calculator is a tool to help you estimate the total cost of attendance at Hollins University.
This estimate is based on a full-time, domestic, traditional residential undergraduate student that includes additional costs
such as books, supplies, transportation, or other personal expenses. Using this tool does not guarantee eligibility
for financial aid, but will give you a better idea of Hollins’ affordability.
Make sure you have completed the required materials for admission and financial aid, including the FAFSA at https://fafsa.gov.
The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid will mail you a financial aid package listing what you are eligible for, pending
your completion of all required financial aid forms by the necessary deadlines and pending federal and state budget approval.
Please note that additional awards such as the Creative Talent Award, music scholarships, Batten Scholarship, Girl Scout Gold Award,
Federal SEOG Grant, and Alumnae Referral Grant, among others, are not included this calculator. This means that your actual financial aid
package may be larger than what is estimated here.